An open letter to my Ankles (wherever they are…)

Dear Ankles,

I have to confess that I was quite surprised and more than a bit dismayed yesterday at the doctor’s office when I looked down at my feet and noticed you were missing! You didn’t even leave a note or give me a chance to explain what’s been going on. I thought we’d discussed all the temporary changes that were to come with pregnancy, but it seems like you’ve both decided to up and leave, especially now that the weather is nice enough to run around in shorts!

How long have you been missing? I know; shame on me for not even knowing the answer to that. I thought you’d like to know that Calves have decided to take up residence where you left – they’ve decided to spread out a little, too, much to my chagrin. And they’re a very bad influence on Feet and Toes, I must say. Perhaps I never fully understood how much you really did to regulate appearances down there. Look, I know I haven’t seen you for quite a few months, and it’s been ages since we last had a pedicure, but I still can’t believe you’ve left me. Was it something I ate? Maybe I didn’t drink enough water? Or are you mad because I’m still trying to walk around as much as possible?

All I know is that you and Waistline are the only ones who have deserted me, and it’s truly devastating. Oh, I expected Waistline to hightail it out of here as soon as she heard I was pregnant – she barely lasted a few weeks after the stick turned blue. But, Ankles, we’ve toughed it out together for so long! Even though other women have told me their Ankles left during pregnancy, I honestly thought we had a strong enough bond that you wouldn’t leave me.

Please come back, Ankles. I miss you!

Yours truly,


4 thoughts on “An open letter to my Ankles (wherever they are…)

  1. I refuse to accept these Cankles. Rather, I believe that my Ankles have just disappeared without so much as a by-your-leave – which, incidentally, is quite rude of them. No forwarding address, a disconnected telephone number… I'm so depressed!

  2. Missing ankles. Mine returned a few months after the baby was evicted from my uterus. I've done this three times… when the ankles disappear, it's quite a shock, even if you know they're going to do it because they've done it before. Your ankles will come home. Patience. They'll be back long before Waistline returns.
    This was very humorous and I could totally identify!

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